Sunday, August 12, 2007

Noni Juice For You!

Noni Juice is the juice of the Morinda Citrifolia plant which is grown in many tropical climates like Hawaii, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands. While the plant is native to the South Pacific, it has transplanted quite well to many other places with warm, moist growth climates. For the past two thousand years, the natives of Southern Pacific Islands have been using the fruit to heal all sorts of ailments. Natives suggest that Noni Juice can be used to prevent open wounds from being infected and prevent more serious illnesses from forming in the body.

Noni Juice is a good source of polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants. It is also a great source of enzymes that help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in more energy and stamina.

Noni Juice helps to maintain a normal blood pressure, enhances cellular health, increases body energy, reduces arthritis symptoms or pain, strengthens immune system. It also acts as anti inflammatory and anti histamine agent, alleviates pain and it has antibacterial properties that can protect against digestive and heart damage. Noni inhibits pre cancer function and growth of cancer tumors and it helps to promote general health. It is also used internationally for stomach ulcers, PMS, menstrual cramps, skin disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, senility, indigestion, asthma, depression, diabetes, enlarged prostate, strokes, etc.

Some people see noni juice as their last option, while others see it as complementary element of a healthy diet. The bottom line is that pleased consumers and scientists seem to agree that there truly are health benefits when can get from drinking noni juice.

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